A cleaner future: Public Awareness Campaign on Waste Reduction "Waste Man!"

SIA Getliņi EKO
Create a Public Awareness Campaign on Waste Reduction to educate, inspire and encourage people living in Riga and it`s region to reduce everyday waste.
What we delivered
Full scope intergrated campaign including: Strategy, Creative concept, Media buying, PR (events and publicity) and Content creation for social media


To address the pressing issue of daily waste production, we devised a comprehensive marketing strategy aimed at raising awareness and fostering behavior change. Central to our approach was the development of the 'Waste Man' symbol, a towering figure constructed from waste materials, representing the growing issue of daily waste production. This symbol served as the central point of our campaign, featured across various channels including social media, influencer content, and major media outlets such as TV, radio, print, and digital platforms, including social media. The 'Waste Man' was also made as a physical statue in a busy shopping mall, sparking discussions about waste reduction.

Complementing our messaging, we organized workshops and engaging activities to demonstrate how simple lifestyle changes can minimalize daily waste output. Our campaign prioritized environmental friendliness, ensuring that every aspect, from workshops to events, minimized waste generation.


The extensive reach of the campaign among our target audiences led to a significant shift in people's habits. Over 80% of the target audience expressed readiness to adopt the waste-reduction suggestions promoted during the campaign. We achieved widespread coverage with over 42 publications across 24 different media outlets, in addition to organizing two workshops and a campaign opening event. Collaborating with four influencers, we reached a total of 955,973 individuals through social media channels, achieving a remarkable advertising reach of 92.6%.
